Twitter has a feature to allow you to set a default welcome message in your DM. For example, this is mine:


The catch: you have to set it up via API.

Official docs:

The steps

To save you some time, here are what you need to do (the easiest way):

<aside> ⚠️ Disclaimer: make sure you understand every command you run.


Install twurl:

gem install twurl

Authorize (You need a Twitter V1 developer account with an app with "Read + Write + Direct Messages" permission):

twurl authorize --consumer-key KEY \\
                --consumer-secret SECRET

Then follow the instruction to authorize.

Next, create a welcome message (change the CHANGE THIS string to your own message):

twurl -A 'Content-type: application/json' /1.1/direct_messages/welcome_messages/new.json -d '{"name": "simple_welcome-message", "welcome_message": {"message_data": {"text": "CHANGE THIS"}}}'

You will receive something like this in the response. Copy the ID.

CleanShot 2021-12-06 at 23.38.42@2x.png

Set the welcome message as "default":

twurl -A 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST /1.1/direct_messages/welcome_messages/rules/new.json -d '{"welcome_message_rule": {"welcome_message_id": "PASTE_THE_ID_HERE"}}'

That's all. You are all set! 🎉

Remove the message